Friday, April 6, 2007

FREE cone day


free cone day is on 17th april!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


heh... got tagged by richard on the "6weird things about yourself" tag...
rules are, describe 6 weird things abt ur self and then tag 6 other ppl.
am gonna tag.... joan, lene, wen, pp, christina and elaine, if u are reading. harhar.

or was i supposed to tag them in their blogs....

1. i have extreme dislike for spiders.
they freak me out big time. they have 8 eyes. 8 EYES!!! eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

2. i like sour mangoes dipped in soy sauce. yummy~

3. i am sexist and i condemn sexists.

4. i cannot tolerate doing nothing.
being free and swinging my hands like bunches of bananas makes me cranky.

5. i get very irritated when my feet is dirty when i am at home.
dirty feet at sandy beaches, fine.
muddy feet while running in the field, fine.
eeeky feet when wearing wrong shoes during rainy days, fine.
but i absolutely hate it when my feet is dusty or dirty at home.

6. when i pms, i sleep like i'm dead and unconscious for long hours and my mood swings are terrible; i'll just break down and wAAAAAAA at the slightest trigger, and i can consume bars of ritter sports rum and raisin at ease. wee~

BTW!! vivo's bnj is having a free cone day on the 14th april!!
do go down and support!