Sunday, December 24, 2006

Taiwan, Day 1

left singapore on the 24th afternoon.
was feeling grumpy also because somebody said i looked old.

=( and its not only because of somebody saying it.
its true. i'm getting wrinkles and saggy skin it really annoys me that someone had to point it out.
on the other hand i was glad to be away from singapore over the holiday season.
i always get the holiday blues over christmas and at the end of the year.
i never could see the point of this festive season.

so i arrived in taipei at around 9pm and hurried to a church at taipei for a christmas service.

really traditional church. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

was feeling groggy.... had abit of motion sickness.
the church was beautiful nevertheless.

although there was a musical thingy after 11pm, we left at 11pm.
too knocked out tired.

didn't manage to see sister.
sister busy counting down with her taiwanese friends.


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