Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Taiwan, Day 3 - Unfortunate day

moved out of hotel and stayed at zheng sui auntie's house at yong kang street, which was right next to the ORIGINAL din tai feng restaurant.

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>>can u spot the din tai feng banner behind?
she was an absolutely gracious host, bringing us around to tour the scenic spots, and stuffing us with delicious taiwanese delicacies and getting us silly tropical singaporeans thicker clothings when the temperatures dipped.

at the advice of my sister, we decided to visit the ferris wheel and 淡水.
she didn't join us though; she had classes.

the ferris wheel.

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u can see carrefour behind me..am on ze ferris wheel

after a round around the ferris wheel, my mum rushed away to do shopping in carrefour.
like she never saw one in singapore before.
she reappeared with 4 impossibly big bags of winter clothings she bought from carrefour.

note once again that we were going to 淡水.
that pretty much spoilt the mood because its rather stupid to lug huge bags of shopping to a sea side village of 淡水.
my dad got really pissed.
u won't want to know what happens when my dad gets pissed....

my mum smiled at my dad like she could smile all the piss-i-ness away.
my dad threatened to jump into the sea if my mum continued with her illogical spendings.

oh well.
ruined mood.

and so we finally proceeded on our way to 淡水。
just when i thought the day couldn't get any worser, a strange old man sat beside me in the crowded train headed to 淡水.
he was about in his 40s, with white hair all over.
he was dressed in a green windbreaker and flipflops.
that was really strange considering it was freezing winter.
so he sat next to me with a back pack on his lap.

he might be strange, but he surely didn't seem dangerous.
so i was minding my own business when i noticed that he was shaking vigorously.
i turned towards his direction and saw that he was stroking an umbrella knob between his legs hidden behind his backpack.
or so i thought it was an umbrella knob.
so i turned back and and looked straight ahead.

he was fucking masturbating with his dick out in the public!!!!!!!!!!!
traumatised, i immediately went to look for my dad at the next carriage.
i totally forgot my mum was still there sitting right opposite the pervert.
i hurried back and pulled my mum away to the next carriage.

how bad can the day get!!!!

at least i left before he came.
ew. digusting wanker!!!!!!!!!!!

before we left the train, my mum diaoed him and saw that he was getting tissue to wipe his hands.

so, how much worser can the day get, right?
finally, we arrived at 淡水.

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many interesting foody shops...

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ha! my shop!!

then, my sister was telling me the 臭豆腐 in taipei was delicious.

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i thought they were all the same.
so i went to eat.
my dad and i both bought a stick each.

we took our first bite....
looked at each other...
and threw the rest of it away!!!

it tastes like sewage!!!!

more of the yummy food and stuffs there>>

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nothing much there except for food and games machine...

yeah.... sky turns dark at 5pm in taipei...

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so we went back to zhen shui auntie's place after this unfortunate day.

u think its over?
no no no.....
just as we were in the basement shophouse of zhen sui's auntie place, the earthquake occurred.
personally, i didn't feel anything cos i was at the basement.
but apparently, the people at the higher levels felt the tremors.
it was quite bad, as in it lasted for a long time even though the tremors measured on 2-3 on the ritcher's scale.

got back and bathed vigorously and washed my eye with eyedrops.
who knows what germs the pervert has on him?

glad that it was the end of the unfortunate day.

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